Frictionless Experience
Users can easily search and evaluate provider options in one place.
Ethan’s family has diverse medical needs. Everyone in Ethan’s family seeks specialized care. His wife recently gave birth to their second child, and their eldest is a budding daredevil with no fear of heights. Ethan’s occupational injuries also require regular attention. Finding the proper care for his family is the priority for Ethan, made easier by the Provider Nexus API.
With Provider Nexus, Ethan can initiate customized provider searches, identifying the best options for his family based on personalized criteria. Ethan isn’t beholden to clunky search functionality. Provider Nexus uses intelligent technology to deliver accurate and relevant call returns.
Why It Matters
Ethan did not understand the technologies powering his insurance platform’s search feature; he just liked the tool’s granularity and accuracy. It did not matter to Ethan who maintained the provider databases; he just cared about the responsiveness and accuracy of his inquiries.
Zelis designs APIs for efficient platform integration. The result is a frictionless user experience that optimizes operations and enhances the user experience.
Zelis APIs
Zelis support does not stop at system integration. Zelis provides best practices for calibrating robust search filters to ensure fast REST call returns. Fine-tune data sets by geolocation, network ID, and other metrics like provider type or specialty. This level of detail boosts utility and gives users more control over their search inquiries.
The Provider Nexus API has built-in security to prevent data theft by hindering third parties from infiltrating your application to make calls through your secure keys. Zelis support guides securing user data with industry best practices and anti-scraping policies designed to keep your API keys safe. While Ethan ensures his family remains healthy, Zelis ensures their data remains protected.
We are more than just provider search specialists. Zelis’ innovative catalog of APIs bolsters platforms with intelligent technologies designed to reduce friction in the healthcare financial space. Read on to learn how to leverage Zelis innovation to bolster your platform’s performance.
Zelis APIs
Allow users to search digital claims information securely on your platform.
Provide users with encrypted search functionality of member ID cards on your platform.
Review digital claims information directly on your platform.